24 January 2013

Consultation Helps British Land Shape Corporate Responsibility Strategy

In autumn 2012, over 650 people participated in British Land's first online consultation on corporate responsibility. Their feedback will shape how we make our business, our properties and our local communities more sustainable in the future. 

Some of the key findings include:

  • Aclear desire for us to use online methods as the main way we communicate corporate responsibility
  • More need for communication around our socio-economic contributions
  • A strong preference for stand-alone, rather than integrated, reporting
  • Reducing energy, water and waste under the landlord's influence at our properties and developments cited as the most important environmental issue
  • Encouraging apprenticeships and training cited as the most important social issue
  • Training and developing staff cited as the most important staff issue
  • A perception that British Land is one of the leaders in corporate responsibility, but that we could learn from others, for instance by developing a better understanding of our value chain and what it means for our business.

We are now holding independently facilitated workshops with external stakeholders to explore key issues relating to our community strategy, emphasis on supply chain management and carbon priorities.

We will publish our Stakeholder Engagement Report 2013 in the coming months, including our commitments in response to stakeholder feedback from our whole engagement process.

To find out more about our responsibility activities, please visit www.britishland.com/responsibility

If you have any questions or comments about this consultation or the future of our corporate responsibility strategy, please contact us: cr@britishland.com

About the consultation

British Land's online consultation was carried out by third party sustainability research and strategy specialists IMS Consulting, to ensure the validity and quality of the data.

British Land donated £1,000 to homeless charity Shelter as part of the consultation process.

> Download the letter from Shelter confirming our donation PDF (0.15MB)

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