Brierty Ltd ABN 65 095 459 448

38 Mandarin Road Maddington WA 6109

PO Box 150 Maddington WA 6989

Telephone (08) 9459 2855

Facsimile (08) 9459 8202

26 September 2011

Resignation of Company Director

Brierty Limited (ASX: BYL) advises that Non Executive Director, Mr Bob McKinnon has tendered his resignation from the

Brierty Board.

Mr McKinnon’s resignation to pursue other business interests was effective 25 September 2011.

The Board takes the opportunity of thanking Mr McKinnon for his contribution during his two year tenure as a Director of the Company.

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Peter McBain (CEO) Tony Bevan (CFO) Ph: 08 9459 2855


Brierty provides civil construction and mining services to government and private industry through three lines of business which include: