Publicly-Held Company with Authorized Capital

CNPJ 01.838.723/0001-27

NIRE 42.300.034.240

CVM 1629-2


JANUARY 17, 2022

  1. Date, Time and Place: Held on January 17, 2022, at 14h00, by videoconference.
  2. Summons and Presence: The call notice requirement was waived under the terms of article
  1. of the Bylaws of BRF S.A. ("Company"), in view of the presence of the following members of the Company's Board of Directors: [Mr. Pedro Pullen Parente ("Mr. Pedro Parente"), Mr. Augusto Marques da Cruz Filho ("Mr. Augusto Cruz"), Mr. Dan Ioschpe ("Mr. Dan Ioschpe"), Ms. Flavia Buarque de Almeida ("Ms. Flavia Almeida"), Mr. José Luiz Osório ("Mr. José Osório"), Mr. Luiz Fernando Furlan ("Mr. Luiz Furkan"), Mr. Ivandré Montiel da Silva ("Mr. Ivandré Montiel"), Mr. Roberto Rodrigues ("Mr. Roberto Rodrigues"), Ms. Flavia Maria Bittencourt ("Ms. Flavia Bittencourt") e Mr. Marcelo Feriozzi Bacci ("Mr. Marcelo Bacci"). Attended as a guests Mr. Attílio Guaspari, Chairman of the Company's Fiscal
    Council ("Mr. Attílio Guaspari"), Mr. Lorival Nogueira Luz Jr, Global Chief Executive Officer, and Mr. Carlos Alberto Bezerra de Moura, Financial Vice-President and Investor Relations Officer
  1. Presiding Board: Chairman: Mr. Pedro Pullen Parente. Secretary: Mr. Bruno Machado Ferla.
  2. Agenda: (I) Based on decision made by the Company's shareholders in an Extraordinary
    General Shareholders' Meeting, held on January 17, 2022 ("Offering's EGM"), executing the decision and authorizing a public offering, with restricted placement efforts, under the terms of the CVM Instruction No 476, January 16, 2009 ("CVM Instruction No 476"), distribution of new common shares ("Common Shares" or "Shares") issued by the Company, all registered, book-entry shares without nominal value, free and clear of any liens or encumbrances, including Shares in the form of American Depositary Shares ("ADS"), represented by American Depositary Receipts ("ADR"), all free and clear of any liens or encumbrances; and (II) Authorization for the Company's board of directors to perform all acts and take all actions necessary to implement the Offer, as well as ratification of all acts already performed.

5. Resolutions: The Board Members approved, by unanimous vote of those present and without any restrictions, the drawing up of these minutes in summary form. After examining the matters on the agenda, the following issues were addressed and the following resolutions were taken:

5.1. Approved, by majority vote, as authorized under the items 7.4.1 and 7.5 to 7.7 of the minutes of the Offering AGM, the characteristics and conditions of the Offering that follow below:

5.1.1. The offering will consist of the primary distribution of 270.000.000 Shares, including Shares in the form of ADSs, represented by ADRs, being, simultaneously, (i) a public offering for primary distribution with restricted efforts of Shares in Brazil, except in the form of ADSs ("Brazilian Offering Shares"), in the non-organizedover-the-counter market, under the coordination of Citigroup Global Markets Brasil, Corretora de Câmbio, Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. ("Lead Coordinator"), Banco Bradesco BBI S.A. ("Bradesco BBI"), Banco BTG Pactual S.A. ("BTG Pactual"), Banco Itaú BBA S.A. ("Itaú BBA"), Banco J.P. Morgan S.A. ("J.P. Morgan"), Banco Morgan Stanley S.A. ("Morgan Stanley"), Banco Safra S.A. ("Safra"), Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A. ("Santander"), Bank of America Merrill Lynch Banco Múltiplo S.A. ("Bank of America"), Banco de Investimentos Credit Suisse (Brasil) S.A. ("Credit Suisse") e UBS Brasil Corretora de Câmbio, Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. ("UBS BB", and, jointly with the Lead Coordinator, the Bradesco BBI, the BTG Pactual, the J.P. Morgan, the Morgan Stanley, the Safra, the Santander, the Bank of America, Credit Suisse and the UBS BB, ("Coordinators of the Brazilian Offering"), according to "Coordination Agreement, Firm Settlement Guarantee and Distribution with Restricted Efforts of Common Shares Issued by BRF S.A.", to be entered into between the Company and the Managers of the Brazilian Offering ("Placement Agreement"), pursuant to Law No. 6.385, of December 7, 1976, CVM Instruction No. 476, "ANBIMA's Regulation and Best Practices Code for Structuring, Coordination and Distribution of Public Offerings of Securities and Public Offerings for Acquisition of Securities" currently in effect, issued by the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Entities - ANBIMA ("ANBIMA"), and other applicable legal and regulatory provisions, including B3's Novo Mercado Regulations and Circular Letter 087/2014 DP, issued by B3 on November 28, 2014, with efforts to place the Brazilian Offer Shares abroad by Citigroup Global Markets Inc., Bradesco Securities, Inc., BTG Pactual US Capital LLC, Itau BBA USA Securities, Inc., J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, Safra Securities, LLC, Santander Investment Securities, Inc., BofA Securities, Inc., Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC and UBS Securities, LLC (jointly, "International Placement Agents"), according to Underwriting and Placement Facilitation Agreement, to be entered into between the Company, the International Placement Agents and the International Offering Coordinators (as defined below) ("International Distribution Agreement"), being, (a) in the United States of America to investors in an offering registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 ("Securities Act"); and (b) in countries other than Brazil and the United States of America, for investors who are persons not resident in Brazil or the United States of America or not incorporated under the laws of those countries, in compliance with the legislation in force in the country of domicile of each investor, provided that such investors (mentioned in items (a) and (b) above) invest in Brazil,

according to the investment mechanisms regulated by the National Monetary Council ("CMN"), by the Central Bank of Brazil ("Central Bank") and by the CVM ("Foreign Investors") ("Brazilian Offering"); and (ii) a public offering for primary distribution of Shares abroad, in the form of ADSs ("International Offering ADSs", and, jointly with the Brazilian Offer Shares, the "Offer Shares"), under the coordination of Citigroup Global Markets Inc., Banco Bradesco BBI S.A., Banco BTG Pactual S.A. - Grand Cayman Branch, Itau BBA USA Securities, Inc., J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, Santander Investment Securities, Inc., BofA Securities, Inc., Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC and UBS Securities, LLC (jointly, the "International Offering Coordinators"), under the terms of the International Distribution Agreement, in an offering registered with the SEC under the Securities Act ("International Offering" and, together with the Brazilian Offering, the "Offering").;

5.1.2. Until the

Bookbuilding Procedure's

conclusion date

(as defined


including, the number of Shares initially offered may, at the discretion of the Company, in


with the Coordinators of

the Offering, be

increased by

up to

20% (twenty percent), in other words, to 54,000,000common shares issued by the Company, under the same conditions and at the same price as the Shares initially offered ("Additional Actions"), being certain that the total number of Shares, considering the placement of all Additional Shares, will not exceed the limit of 325,000,000 Shares, as approved at the EGM of the Offering.

  1. Within the scope of the Offering, the issuance of the Offer Shares (including Additional Shares) will be carried out to the exclusion of the right of preference of its current shareholders, under the terms of article 172, item I, of Law 6404, December 15, 1976 ("Corporation Law") and Article 8 of the Company's Bylaws. Under the terms of article 9-A of CVM Instruction 476 and as approved at the Offering's EGM, in order to ensure the participation of the Company's current shareholders in the Offering, priority will be granted to current shareholders for the subscription of up to the totality of the Shares (considering the Additional Shares), to be placed through the Offer, in proportion to their respective stakes in the Company's capital stock. After the priority right is met, the remaining shares ( considering the Additional Shares) will be destined for public placement with (i) professional investors, as defined by article 11 of CVM Resolution No. 30, dated May 11, 2021, who are resident and domiciled or headquartered in Brazil and who additionally attest in writing their status as professional investors by means of a specific term ("Professional Investors"); e (ii) Foreign Investors, (together with Professional Investors, "Institutional Investors").
  2. The allocation of the Offering Shares (including the Additional Shares) between the Brazilian Offering and the International Offering will be defined according to the demand verified during the Bookbuilding Procedure, where the sum of the total Brazilian Offering Shares and

International Offering ADSs will not exceed the limit of 324,000,000 Offering Shares, with no possibility of partial distribution;

  1. As approved under the items 7.4.1 and 7.4.2 of the Offering's EGM, the price per Share ("Price per Share") will be set by the Board of Directors after the conclusion of the investment intention collection procedure to be carried out with Institutional Investors ("Bookbuilding Procedure"), having as parameter: (i) the quotation of the common shares issued by the Company on B3; (ii) the ADR listing on the NYSE and (iii) the indications of interest according to the quality and quantity of the demand (by volume and price) by the Shares through the Bookbuilding Procedure and to be approved by this Board of Directors, in due course. Under the International Offering, the price per Share in the form of ADRs will be equivalent to the Price per Share converted to United States dollars (US$), based on the selling exchange rate of that currency (PTAX) released by the Central Bank of Brazil on its website. Pursuant to article 170, paragraph 1, item III, of the Brazilian Corporation Law, the choice of the criterion for determining the Price per Share is justified by the fact that the Price per Share will be assessed according to the Bookbuilding Procedure, which reflects the value at which Institutional Investors will submit their investment intentions in the context of the Offer and the listing price of the Company's common shares on B3 and ADRs on NYSE, thus not promoting unjustified dilution of the Company's shareholders.
  2. The net proceeds from the Offering will be used to strengthen the Company's capital structure, expand its activities and/or make strategic investments.
  1. Approved the acts that the Company's Executive Board has practiced until the present date, solely and exclusively with the purpose of making the Offer and authorize the Company's Executive Board to: (a) to negotiate and execute all the necessary instruments for the accomplishment of the Offering, including the main documents mentioned below: (a.1) International Distribution Agreement; (a.2) Contract Placement; (a.3) Prospectus Supplement; (a.4) Offering Memorandum; (a.5) as well as all ancillary contracts necessary for the Offering, under the terms approved herein; (b) to take all actions and perform all acts necessary to implement the resolutions taken at this meeting, including, but not limited to, representing the Company before the CVM, the B3, ANBIMA, the New York Stock Exchange and the Securities and Exchange Commission, as may be required, for which purpose it may perform or cause to be performed any acts and/or negotiate, approve and sign any communications, notifications, certificates, documents or instruments it deems necessary or appropriate for the performance of the Offering.
  2. The Board Member Mr. José Osório declared his vote to abstain for the reasons presented in his vote at the Board of Directors' meeting held on December 16, 2021, when he expressed

his opposition to the decision to increase the capital.

  1. Documents Filed at the Company: The documents that supported the resolutions made by the members of the Board of Directors or that are related to information provided during the meeting are filed at the Company's headquarters.
  2. Closure: There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned and these Minutes were drawn up by electronic processing, which after being read and approved were signed by all Board Members present.

I certified that the above extract is a faithful transcription of an excerpt from the minutes drawn up

in the Book of Minutes of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Meetings of the Company's Board of


São Paulo, January 17, 2022.

Bruno Machado Ferla



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BRF SA published this content on 17 January 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 18 January 2022 13:59:08 UTC.