15.06.2015 10:35:00 CET

Bosnalijek significant support to community

Bosnalijek's satellite symposium on the topic 'The role of Enterofuryl in the eradication of Helicobacter pylori' will be held on Saturday, June 13, 2015 within the Fifth Congress of BiH Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists. The president of the Gastroenterological Scientific Society of Russia, professor doctor Leonid Lazebnik, will be lecturer at this symposium.

On the occasion of the Fifth Congress of BiH Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists Prof. Dr. Lazebnik pointed out that it was a great pleasure to come to BiH. "I am connected with this country through a longtime successful cooperation with the largest Bosnian pharmaceutical company Bosnalijek that has been lasting for 17 years already", stressed the respectable guest.

A longtime friend of Bosnalijek, Professor Lazebnik thanked the Congress organizer, the Association of Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists of BiH, for the invitation to take part in the Fifth Congress of BiH Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists with international participation, and added that he had a very positive experience with Enterofuryl which he would talk about at the Congress.

Prof. Dr. Lazebnik is a prominent Russian professor from the Moscow State University of Medicine and Prevention, doctor of medical sciences, Head of the Department for Therapy, Prevention and Geriatrics and the president of the Gastroenterological Scientific Society of Russia.

Bosnalijek is a silver sponsor of the Fifth Congress of BiH Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists with international participation which will be held in Mostar in the period from 11 - 14 June 2015.

By offering continuous support to significant professional meetings Bosnalijek has been sharing with larger community its enviable business results which it realized in 2014.

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