




Purchasing Charter

Responsible Purchasing Charter


The Bolloré Group's Responsible Purchasing Charter

describes the principles in place to ensure ethical and

sustainable commercial relationships with its suppliers

of goods and services and its subcontractors, in strict

compliance with applicable laws and regulations and

the Group's commitments in terms of Corporate Social

Responsibility (CSR).

These principles reflect the Group's commitment to

implementing all measures necessary to prevent and

mitigate risks and any serious violations or breaches

in matters of ethics, environment and human rights

as related to its business activities and to optimize its

positive impacts throughout its value chains and within

the framework of a responsible purchasing approach.


Purpose of the Responsible Purchasing Charter

To share the Group's commitments with its suppliers

and subcontractors and ensure their involvement

in a process for sustainable development.

The Bolloré Group thus expects from its suppliers and

subcontractors strict compliance with the laws and

regulations in force in the countries where they are present

or provide services, as well as a commitment to collaborate

with the Group for the implementation of compliance

principles explained in its Ethics and CSR Charter, and

if necessary, to take any appropriate corrective action

in a process of continuous improvement.

Michel Sibony

Group Purchasing Director

Responsible Purchasing Charter

Group's commitments to its suppliers

and subcontractors

The Bolloré Group undertakes to:

develop sustainable commercial relationships suited to the effective management of risks and the challenges related to working conditions, the protection of

the environment, business ethics and human rights;

for this purpose, maintain a constructive and open dialogue with suppliers regarding their ability to meet their commitments and contribute, as far as possible and in a spirit of cooperation, to the development and implementation of suitable action plans;

select suppliers and subcontractors based on a fair and impartial purchasing process based on predefined and objective criteria;


include social and environmental clauses in calls for tender whenever possible;

select the best candidates in terms of CSR performance whenever possible and provide the reasons for non-selection to the suppliers who were not chosen;

identify and prevent conflicts of interest in relationships with suppliers and subcontractors;

raise the awareness of buyers and train them on ethical and CSR principles (see the Ethics & CSR Charter and the Code of conduct).

2020 - Bolloré SE

2020 - Bolloré SE

Responsible Purchasing Charter

Commitments expected of suppliers

and subcontractors

Suppliers/subcontractors agree that their commitments to human rights, working conditions, environmental protection, and business ethics are essential obligations for the establishment and continuation of a commercial relationship with the Bolloré Group and commit to transparency, good faith and cooperation to ensure that these commitments are met at every stage of the relationship.

Suppliers/subcontractors agree to meet all national

and international standards applicable to their activities in the following areas and, in particular:

Social issues and human rights

Meet the principles of the United Nations Global


Never under any circumstances allow any of the following practices in their activities:

  • child labor, except in those special cases allowed by ILO conventions no. 138 and no. 182;
  • practices defined as modern-day slavery or forced, compulsory or clandestine employment as meant by ILO conventions no. 29 and no. 105;
  • any form of physical, moral, or sexual harassment or any form of discrimination related to origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, family situation, pregnancy, physical appearance, state of health, nationality, or union
    or religious membership as meant by ILO conventions no. 100, no. 111 and no. 156.

Guarantee decent working conditions, and health and safety standards which are compliant with ILO conventions no. 102 and no. 155.

Responsible Purchasing Charter

Guarantee clear working hours, remuneration corresponding to the hours worked, and equal pay, as well as break times and possibility of taking vacation.

Guarantee employees a wage which will provide them with decent living conditions and the ability to meet their essential needs, given the general level of wages, the cost of living and social security benefits, paid regularly and on reasonable time (ILO conventions no. 95 and no. 131).

Guarantee employees the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining, or in the event of local restrictions commit to allowing all other forms of representation and free and independent negotiations (ILO conventions no. 87, no. 98 and no. 154).

Propose and promote access to training and skills


development for employees.

Treat migrant workers fairly and comply with the principles

of ILO convention no. 97.

Ethics and compliance issues

Comply with Bolloré's ethical principles described in

its Ethics and CSR Charter and its Code of conduct and

contribute to the fight against corruption and conflicts

of interest in business activities and relationships

with suppliers.

Comply with French regulations and OECD directives for

the prevention of corruption and the peddling of influence

and any similar legal provisions and prevent these practices

by taking effective measures vis-à-vis shareholders,

corporate officers, employees, affiliates, subcontractors,

suppliers and their respective representatives directly

or indirectly involved, or in any way whatsoever,

in the execution of business relationship.

2020 - Bolloré SE

2020 - Bolloré SE

Responsible Purchasing Charter

In general, comply with all national and international standards related to financial misconduct, notably with respect to the financing of terrorism, money laundering, embargoes, and arms and narcotics trafficking.

Suppliers and subcontractors must promote free competition, thereby preventing any coordination

or agreements on pricing and offers and the participation in any cartels.

Environmental issues

Responsible Purchasing Charter

I, the undersigned __________________________________________________________



Comply with environmental protection rules and do whatever is possible to prevent, mitigate and repair any negative impacts of business activities.

Propose, and as far as possible implement, continuously improving environmental solutions.

Work towards implementing the best practices of the profession to optimize water and energy consumption, preserve biodiversity and manage discharge and waste.

Do everything possible to reduce and/or treat airborne emissions, the release of effluents into the ground and/or water and all types of pollution resulting from business activities.

hereby confirm to have taken full cognizance of the Bolloré

Group's Responsible Purchasing Charter, the non-compliance

of which may be considered as a breach of a nature to cause,


depending on its seriousness, the termination of the contract.

Company's name: _______________________________________


Name and function of the representative:



The Bolloré Group reserves the right to carry out audits

to monitor compliance with the commitments of the supplier / subcontractor mentioned in this charter.

The Bolloré Group expects from its supplier / subcontractor to take all reasonable measures to ensure that its own suppliers and subcontractors comply with the terms of this Charter.






2020 - Bolloré SE

2020 - Bolloré SE

This is an excerpt of the original content. To continue reading it, access the original document here.


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Bolloré SE published this content on 15 January 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 15 January 2021 13:29:01 UTC