BLACKROCK FRONTIERS INVESTMENT TRUST PLC                                                                       
    All information is at 31 December 2015 and unaudited.                                                          
    Performance at month end with net income reinvested                                                            
                                                One       Three               Six           One     Three    Since 
                                              month      months            months          year     years   Launch*
                                                  %           %                 %             %         %         %
    Share price                                -0.7        -0.2              -5.0          -3.4      38.3      18.2
    Net asset value                            -0.4         2.0              -4.3          -2.9      35.8      25.7
    MSCI Frontier Markets Index (NR)            1.8         1.5              -5.8          -9.5      26.9       9.5
    MSCI Emerging Markets Index (NR)           -0.1         3.4             -11.8         -10.0     -10.6     -14.3
    US Dollars:                                                                                                    
    Share price                                -2.8        -2.9             -11.0          -8.6      25.6      12.0
    Net asset value                            -2.5        -0.8             -10.3          -8.1      23.3      19.1
    MSCI Frontier Markets Index (NR)           -0.3        -1.2             -11.7         -14.5      15.1       3.5
    MSCI Emerging Markets Index (NR)           -2.2         0.7             -17.4         -14.9     -18.9     -19.0
    Sources: BlackRock and Standard & Poor's Micropal                                                              
    * 17 December 2010.                                                                                            
    At month end                                                                                                   
    US Dollar                                                                                                      
    Net asset value - capital only:                                                                         155.24c
    Net asset value - cum income:                                                                           159.72c
    Net asset value - capital only:                                                                         105.33p
    Net asset value - cum income:                                                                           108.37p
    Share price:                                                                                            103.50p
    Total assets (including income):                                                                        £163.2m
    Discount to cum-income NAV:                                                                                4.5%
    Gearing:                                                                                                    Nil
    Gearing range (as a % of gross assets):                                                                   0-20%
    Net yield*:                                                                                                4.2%
    Ordinary shares in issue:                                                                           150,621,621
    Ongoing charges**:                                                                                         1.5%
    Ongoing charges plus taxation and performance fee:                                                         1.6%
    *The Company's yield based on dividends announced in the last 12 months as at                                  
    the date of the release of this announcement is 4.2% and includes the 2015                                     
    final dividend of 4.15 cents per share declared on 18 December 2015, payable to                                
    shareholders on 19 February 2016 and the 2015 interim dividend of 2.40 cents                                   
    per share announced on 18 May 2015 and paid to shareholders on 3 July 2015.                                    
    **Calculated as a percentage of average net assets and using expenses,                                         
    excluding performance fees and interest costs for the year ended 30 September                                  
    Sector Analysis                   Gross assets(%)*     Country Analysis                        Gross assets(%)*
    Financials                                    34.8     Bangladesh                                          10.4
    Consumer Staples                              20.1     Argentina                                           10.2
    Telecommunications                             9.9     Pakistan                                             9.6
    Energy                                         9.1     Romania                                              8.1
    Utilities                                      6.0     Kuwait                                               7.8
    Health Care                                    5.5     Sri Lanka                                            7.7
    Industrials                                    5.1     Kazakhstan                                           7.3
    Consumer Discretionary                         3.6     Ukraine                                              6.0
    Technology                                     2.1     Morocco                                              4.9
    Materials                                      1.7     Kenya                                                4.9
    Information Technology                         1.4     Vietnam                                              4.3
                                                 -----     Nigeria                                              4.0
    Total                                         99.3     Eurasia                                              3.1
                                                 -----     Caribbean                                            2.6
    Short positions                               -1.7     Slovenia                                             2.2
                                                   ===     Estonia                                              1.9
                                                           Other                                                4.3
                                                           Total                                               99.3
                                                           Short positions                                     -1.7
    *reflects gross market exposure from contracts for difference (CFDs).                                          
    Market Exposure                                                                                                
             31.01  28.02   31.03  30.04   31.05    30.06     31.07     31.08      30.09       31.10   30.11  31.12
              2015   2015    2015   2015    2015     2015      2015      2015       2015        2015    2015   2015
                 %      %       %      %       %        %         %         %          %           %       %      %
    Long     101.1  102.0   106.4  105.9   105.8    101.5     102.9     103.1      101.8        99.6   100.3   99.3
    Short      1.6    1.6     1.7    1.7     1.1      1.0       1.5       1.5        1.0         1.2     1.7    1.7
    Gross    102.7  103.6   108.1  107.6   106.9    102.5     104.4     104.6      102.8       100.8   102.0  101.0
    Net       99.5  100.4   104.7  104.2   104.7    100.5     101.4     101.6      100.8        98.4    98.6   97.6
    Company                                   Country of Risk                                     % of gross assets
    MHP                                       Ukraine                                                           3.9
    Kuwait Foods (Americana)                  Kuwait                                                            3.6
    Grupo Financiero Galicia                  Argentina                                                         3.6
    Hub Power                                 Pakistan                                                          3.5
    MCB Bank                                  Pakistan                                                          3.3
    Square Pharmaceuticals                    Bangladesh                                                        3.3
    KazMunaiGas Exploration Production        Kazakhstan                                                        3.2
    Coca Cola Icecek                          Eurasia                                                           3.1
    BRD Groupe Societe Generale               Romania                                                           3.1
    Equity Group                              Kenya                                                             2.9
    Commenting on the markets, Sam Vecht and Emily Fletcher, representing the                                      
    Investment Manager noted:                                                                                      
    Portfolio Performance                                                                                          
    In December, the Company's NAV fell by 2.5%, underperforming the benchmark by                                  
    2.2%. Since its launch in December 2010, the Company's NAV has returned 19.1%,                                 
    outperforming the MSCI Frontier Markets Index by 15.6%. (All calculations are                                  
    on a US dollar basis with net income reinvested.)                                                              
    December was a challenging month for Emerging and Developed Markets which fell                                 
    by 2.2% and 1.8% respectively over the month.  Increasing concerns over the                                    
    health of the Chinese economy, and the potential negative effects on the US                                    
    economy dragged down markets.  Frontier Markets once again proved resilient                                    
    falling by only 0.3% during the month, although disappointingly, the Company's                                 
    performance was somewhat weaker.                                                                               
    Positive contributions to performance came from Argentina, where we saw                                        
    substantial benefits from stock selection. The new government have shown                                       
    impressive speed in implementing a number of measures which represent a return                                 
    to orthodox economic policies. These include reforming the exchange rate system                                
    and reducing energy producer subsidies. While these measures are likely to be                                  
    positive for Argentina's medium term prospects, some individual stocks such as                                 
    state-controlled energy producer, YPF, were negatively impacted.                                               
    In December the weakness in oil prices, which fell by 16% (brent crude) over                                   
    the month, continued to impact our holdings in Kazakhstan and Iraq given the                                   
    reliance on oil of the economies in these two countries.  However, despite the                                 
    oil price weakness, our underweight positioning in Nigeria also detracted from                                 
    relative performance during December. For the second year running, this was                                    
    driven by substantial positive moves in large benchmark weighted stocks in the                                 
    final days of the month, which have subsequently reversed. The Central Bank                                    
    policy of maintaining the current Naira peg to the US dollar is creating                                       
    increasing stress in the domestic economy with a number of companies reporting                                 
    shortages of vital goods and parts. While valuations of some stocks are                                        
    compelling, our macroeconomic concerns mean that we are 10.0% underweight                                      
    relative to the MSCI Frontier Market Index.                                                                    
    Portfolio Activity                                                                                             
    We increased our position in Coca-Cola bottling franchise, Icecek. Listed in                                   
    Turkey, the company is seeing substantial volume growth from its operations                                    
    across Pakistan and the former Soviet Republics which we expect to result in                                   
    returns on invested capital increasing over time.  The company is the                                          
    highest-growth bottler across the Coca Cola franchise universe with some of the                                
    lowest market penetration figures, meaning it has good long-term potential. For                                
    example, if consumption rose to UK levels, a moderate level globally, Iraq                                     
    volumes could grow 4 fold, and Pakistan volumes could grow 7 fold.  Falls in                                   
    raw material prices including sugar will likely have a positive impact on                                      
    margins in 2016, which, combined with growth profile, makes the stock an                                       
    attractive proposition.                                                                                        
    We also increased our position in Equity Group in Kenya.  The bank has a very                                  
    strong domestic franchise with a market share of deposit accounts of around 34%                                
    which we believe gives them a sustainable funding advantage in a country which                                 
    is persistently reliant on external funding sources.                                                           
    8 January 2016                                                                                                 