The Board of Beijing Chunlizhengda Medical Instruments Co., Ltd. announced that the proposal of payment of final dividend of RMB 3.62 per 10 Shares in cash (tax inclusive) for the year ended 31 December 2023 to all Shareholders was approved at the 2023 Annual General Meeting. In order to determine the Shareholders who are entitled to the receipt of the Final Dividend, the Final Dividend will be distributed to those Shareholders whose names appear on the register of members of the Company on 4 July 2024 in respect of H Shares. In order to qualify for receiving the Final Dividend, all transfer documents accompanied by the relevant share certificates must be lodged with the Company's office at No.

10 Xinmi Xi Er Road, Southern District of Tongzhou Economic Development Zone, Tongzhou, District, Beijing, the PRC (for holders of A Shares), or the Company's H Share registrar, Tricor Investor Services Limited at 17/F, Far East Finance Centre, 16 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong (for holders of H Shares) no later than 4:30 p.m. on 3 July 2024. The Final Dividend will be paid to holders of A Shares in RMB and to holders of H Shares in HK dollar. The actual amount of H Share dividend paid in HK dollar will be calculated according to the average exchange rate of the relevant foreign exchange published by the People's Bank of China the mid-rate of seven business days prior to the date of approval of Final Dividend in 2023 Annual General Meeting.

The average exchange rate of the relevant foreign exchange published by the People's Bank of China for the mid-rate of seven business days prior to the date of approval of Final Dividend in 2023 Annual General Meeting (18 June 2024 to 26 June 2024) is 1:0.91196 (HKD/RMB). Applying that average, the dividend for each H Share is HKD 0.39695. Ex-dividend date is 02 July 2024.

Record date is 04 July 2024. Payment date is 31 July 2024.