In accordance with decision by the Annual General Meeting, Beijer Ref Election Committee shall consist of five members. The members should be one representative of each of the four larger shareholders in terms of voting rights that wish to participate in the committee, together with the Chairman of the Beijer Ref Board. This years Election Committee consists of the following members: Muriel Makharine (Carrier Corp.); Johan Strandberg (SEB Fonder); Arne Lööw (Fjärde AP-fonden); Joen Magnusson (Own and related party's holdings, Board member of Beijer Ref Board of Directors); Bernt Ingman (Chairman of Beijer Ref Board of Directors); Johan Strandberg has been appointed Chairman of the Election Committee. The Election Committee will prepare proposals for the Annual General Meeting in 2020 regarding Board members, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Annual Meeting, Auditors, remuneration of the Board of Directors, the Auditors, Committee work, and to the extent deemed necessary, proposal regarding amendments of the current instruction for the Election Committee.