THE MONKS INVESTMENT TRUST PLC Deputy Manager appointed to The Monks Investment Trust PLC.

Baillie Gifford & Co, the independent investment partnership, announces today that Tom
Walsh has been appointed as Deputy Manager of The Monks Investment Trust PLC.
Tom graduated from Edinburgh University in 1999 with an LLB (Hons) in Law & Economics. He then worked at Deloitte & Touche where he qualified as an ACA, at Merrill Lynch as a pan European analyst and at Fidelity International in a fund management capacity before joining Baillie Gifford where he has been an Investment Manager in the UK Equity Team since 2009.
James Budden, Director of Marketing and Distribution at Baillie Gifford & Co said:
"Tom will help Gerald Smith, the Monks manager, with the appraisal and selection of investments and assist with the important task of shareholder communication. RDR is now in place and Baillie Gifford is committed to raising awareness of its investment trusts amongst intermediaries."
30 January 2013
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For further information please contact:

James Budden, Baillie Gifford & Co

0131 275 2816 or 07507 201208

Roland Cross, Broadgate Mainland

0207 776 0512 or 07831 401309

Notes to Editors:

The Monks Investment Trust PLC invests internationally in order to achieve capital growth, which takes priority over income and dividends. Monks is managed by Baillie Gifford & Co, the independent Edinburgh based fund management group with around £85 billion under management and advice as at 31 December 2012.
Up to date performance information about Monks can be found at
The value of a stock market investment and any income from it can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount invested. The trust invests in overseas securities and changes in the rates of exchange may also cause the value of an investment (and any income it may pay) to go down or up. The Trust invests in emerging markets where difficulties in dealing, settlement and custody could arise, resulting in a negative impact on the value of your investment.
Issued and approved by Baillie Gifford & Co, which is the manager and secretary of The
Monks Investment Trust PLC.
All figures sourced by Baillie Gifford at 31 December 2012.
Baillie Gifford & Co is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

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