Aurora is building a product that will save lives, increase access to transportation, and bring much-needed relief and support to supply chains. Aurora's path to commercial launch is designed to develop the Aurora Driver specifically in conditions that are commercially relevant for its customers. Through early investment in foundational technology and strategic programs that accelerate progress, Aurora is building the industry's first autonomous trucking and ride-hailing business at scale.

The Aurora Driver uniquely features Aurora's common core of technology which includes hardware, software, infrastructure, and development tools that enable Aurora’s technology to integrate with multiple vehicle types, from a Class 8 truck to a passenger sedan. At the end of first quarter, the company expects to launch the Aurora Driver Beta 2.0, the next generation of Aurora-Driver-powered trucks. With Aurora's Common Core, Aurora can leverage those technologies and capabilities to launch the first generation of Aurora's passenger vehicle fleet the Aurora Driver-powered Siennas.

Over the next year, quarterly releases will include updates that refine the Aurora Driver's ability to operate on highways and on surrounding surface streets on both platforms. Each Beta release will represent progress towards a complete, commercially-viable product, increasing the expanse and maturity necessary to deliver a scalable Aurora Driver. Aurora's product roadmap is designed to deliver the Aurora Driver at a large commercial scale. With each product release, Aurora will deliver an Aurora Driver that's incrementally advancing on two axes: Expanse and Maturity.

Expanse represents the breadth of capabilities and domains in which the Aurora Driver can operate. For example, training the Aurora Driver to handle different types of construction on highways, then suburban settings, and ultimately, dense urban environments are increased in the Driver's expanse. Maturity represents the degree to which capabilities are ready for commercial deployment and will evolve from development to validation to completion.

Maturity will be exemplified through longer durations of commercially-representative, autonomous operation with a Safety Case that supports it. Aurora believes that building and executing a Safety Case is necessary for any company looking to safely deliver commercial-ready self-driving vehicles without a Vehicle Operator at scale. Aurora's Safety Case Framework serves as its roadmap for removing Vehicle Operators from Aurora Driver-powered vehicles not just once or in ways that are unwieldy for customers but permanently and at scale.

As the Aurora Driver matures, Aurora expects to demonstrate an increasingly capable Aurora Driver that can operate safely in commercially-representative settings.