Atos announced the first installation of its Bull sequana X1000 new-generation supercomputer system, in the UK at the Hartree Centre. This major collaboration between Atos and the Centre focuses on various initiatives aimed at addressing the UK Government's Industrial Strategy which encourages closer collaboration between academia and industry. It includes: the launch of a new UK based High Performance Computing (HPC) as a Service Offering (HPCaaS), which enables both large and small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) to take advantage of extreme computing performance through easily accessible Cloud portals. Improving SME access to such tools encourages and supports high-tech business innovation across the UK. 'Deep Learning' as a service (DLaaS); an emerging cognitive computing technique with broad applicability from automated voice recognition to medical imaging. The technology can be used, for example, to automatically detect anomalies in mammography scans with a higher degree of accuracy than the human eye. The new supercomputer will allow both academic and industry organizations to use the latest technology and develop applications using the most recent advances in artificial intelligence and high performance data analytics. As such, the Bull sequana system will aid Hartree to become the 'go-to' place in the UK for technology evaluation, supporting the work of major companies in fields ranging from engineering and consumer goods to healthcare and pharmaceuticals. The Bull sequana will be approximately 3.4 PFlops when installed and is composed of Intel(R) Xeon(R) and many core Xeon Phi(TM) (Knights Landing) processor technology. It has been designed to accommodate future blade systems for Deep Learning, GPU and ARM based computing.