AT&T introduced mobile 5G service in a dozen markets by late 2018. The promise of mobile 5G is seemingly endless and we're moving fast to make that promise a reality. To reach this ambitious milestone, the company taken a different approach to transforming network. AT&T 5G services will be based on industry standards for 5G. To make this happen, Because of that acceleration, 3GPP, the international wireless standards body, completed key elements of 5G new radio (NR) standards last month. With these specifications now available, hardware, chipset and device manufacturers can start development. This allows to provide mobile 5G services sooner. We're confident this latest standards milestone will allow to bring 5G to market faster without compromising its long-term vision. As standards continue to develop, 5G will advance and won't just be about faster speeds on the phone. It will also mean much lower latency, which will be enhanced by a new range of applications utilizing edge computing. A quick primer: latency refers to how long it takes for the network to recognize you've requested a chunk of data and to start sending that data.