Turin, 25 January 2013


The resolution passed by the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting on 16 January 2013 amending the corporate name from Autostrada Torino Milano S.p.A. to ASTM S.p.A. and reviewing the corporate purpose has been registered.
It is hereby stated that as from today's date (following registration at the Turin Companies Register of the shareholders' meeting resolution dated 16 January 2013) the amendment of the corporate name from Autostrada Torino Milano S.p.A. to ASTM S.p.A. and the review of the corporate purpose have become effective.
The aforesaid amendments shall not give rise to the right of withdrawal.
The Chairman
(Gian Maria Gros-Pietro)

Registered office: Corso Regina Margherita, 165 - 10144 Turin - Offices: Via Bonzanigo, 22 - 10144 Turin - Telephone +39 011 4392.111 (voice mail) - Fax + 39 011 4392.218

Administrative office: Strada Statale per Novi Ligure 3/13, Località San Guglielmo - 15057 Tortona (Al) - Tel. + 39 0131 879.1

Share Capital € 44,000,000 - R.E.A. (Economic and Administrative Index) of Turin 100489 - Turin Companies Register, tax code and VAT number IT 00488270018

Website: http://www.astm.it - E-mail:astm@astm.it - Management and coordination: Argo Finanziaria S.p.A.

For further information (Media): Moccagatta associati

Tel. + 39 02 86451695 / + 39 02 86451419


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