Arcadia Minerals Ltd Announces Initial Assay and Stratigraphic Results of the First Two Holes Drilled At the Stryfontein Pan
pan in the Bitterwasser Pan district to be confirmed containing Lithium mineralisation to a similar tenor as is seen at the Eden Pan, and where a Lithium-in-Clay JORC Mineral Resource of 286,909-ton Lithium Carbonate using a 500ppm Li cut-off has been defined. The assay results of the initial two holes from the December 2022 drilling campaign drilled at Stryfontein Pan, were received. Drillhole locations (including positioning relative to the Eden and Madube Pans) and results are respectively tabled in Annexure 1 & 2 and . A total of 2 holes were drilled at the Company's Bitterwasser Lithium Clay Project in the Stryfontein Pan, which is one of the 14 exposed pans within the Bitterwasser Basin. Additional drilling of an estimated 15 holes at Stryfontein will be conducted during May 2023 following completion of an in-fill drilling program commencing in March 2023 at the Eden Pan with the purpose of reclassification of the Mineral Resource from inferred to indicated or measured Mineral Resources. An updated Mineral Resource for the Eden Pan is estimated to be released during the second quarter of 2023 and a maiden Mineral Resource for Madube Pan is expected to be released during April 2023. Of the results received, Hole MDDO1 returned up to 763ppm Li over a width of 1.6m and an average grade of 634 ppm Li over 4m at a cut-off of 500ppm. At hole MDD02 results of up to 603ppm Li over a width of 1.4m and
an average grade of 596 ppm over 4.2m at a cut-off of 500ppm were received. Hole MDD01 was drilled to a depth of 7m and hole MDD02 was drilled to a depth of 7.4m, where both ended in intermixed clastic fine clays, aeolian (wind-blown) sands and fine calcretes. T Consistent with the Eden and Madube Pans, mineralisation has been found to be dominant in olive green clay units. The green clay unit in hole MDD01 was found to be 4m wide and hole MDD02 returned a width of 5m. This compares well to the average widths of 5.5m at the Eden pan and 7.5m at the Madube pan. Previous drilling over the Eden pan returned an
average of 663 ppm Li over an average width of 5.5m at a cut-off of 500ppm and resulted in an Inferred JORC Mineral Resource over the green clays of 85.2 million tons at 633 ppm Li for 286,909-ton Lithium Carbonate using a 500ppm Li cut-off. Cyclone test work would be conducted over the clays of both the Madube and Stryfontein pans to confirm an upgrade in lithium grades as was the case with the material from the Eden Pan7. The cyclone test work on the clays of Eden Pan 4 confirmed that, using a 14-micron cut off, the cyclone overflow occasioned in a 30% reduction of volume with a concomitant increase of 28% in the lithium grade to 810 ppm Li compared to feed ore material grade of 633ppm Li.