In regards to RB 109/2014 dated 18.11.2014 and RB 111/2014 dated 21.11.2014, the Management Board of AmRest Holdings SE ("AmRest", "the Company") informs that on January 7th, 2015 the Company disposed 561 own shares to entitled participants of the incentive management stock options plan. The settlement date of the transaction was January 7th, 2015.

The detailed information regarding the transaction:

1) The price of sold shares: PLN 0.00- 561 shares. The shares were transferred free of charge as a result of exercising 1100 options (1000 granted at the price of PLN 47.60 and 100 granted at the price of PLN 81.00), that were settled at the intrinsic value in accordance with a settlement method described in p. 7.1 a) of Employee Stock Option Plan Rules adopted by resolution no 3/11/2014 of the Supervisory Board of AmRest Holdings SE of November 20th, 2014.

2) The nominal value: EUR 0.01 for each share,

3) The total number of shares sold by AmRest represents 0.0026% of the Company's registered capital being 561 votes on the AGM of AmRest,

4) After the transactions AmRest owns 36 788 of its own shares, 36 788 votes on the AGM of AmRest, being 0.1734% in the total number of votes.

Legal act:

Art. 56 Sec. 1 Point 2 of Act on public offering, conditions governing the introduction of financial instruments to organized trading and public companies dated July 29th 2005

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