Jan. 4, 2013 Karen Cotton
309.566.4126 karen.cotton@amwater.com

Is Your Water Meter & Plumbing Protected from the Cold?

Illinois American Water Offers Tips to Keep Pipes and Water Meters from Freezing and Breaking

Belleville, Ill. (Jan. 4, 2013) - Illinois American Water reminds homeowners that now is the time to make preparations to prevent water damage from frozen and burst pipes and water meters before temperatures plunge this winter. Acting now can prevent costly plumbing repairs and frozen water meter replacement fees that can cause headaches for homeowners.

According to Karla Olson Teasley, president of Illinois American Water, although the winter season can pose many challenges to a homeowner, one of the biggest and most costly is the risk of frozen pipes. "When ice expands inside pipes, it can crack and burst the pipe, leaving homeowners with a costly plumber bill, and thousands of dollars in damages from water leaking inside their home," she said.
During winter weather, water meters and pipes need special care to keep them from freezing, so homeowners should take reasonable precautions to help protect their property and the water company's meter from damage. "Weatherproofing your home against the cold will pay dividends on energy bills in the winter and will also help protect your indoor plumbing against the threat of breaks," Teasley added.
Illinois American Water encourages its customers to take the following precautions to reduce the risk of frozen water meters and pipes that can freeze and burst.