Alterra Ltd. announced the appointment of Mr. John McGlue as the newest member of Alterra's Advisory Board, bringing valuable competencies that include over 30 years of corporate communications and financial markets experience. Alterra established its Advisory Board in April 2019 to support the Company and its senior executives as it undertakes a period of accelerated growth. The Advisory Board is chaired by Mr. John Poynton AO and provides Alterra with direct access to an expanded network across capital markets, industry and government in addition to strategic advice and counsel. Mr. McGlue is the Principal of Castle Gates Australia, which acts as a trusted adviser on creating, enhancing and protecting shareholder value. Through Castle Gates Australia Mr. McGlue has advised on corporate transactions, complex disputes, capital markets positioning and shareholder activism. He is a former Chairman Australia and Senior Managing Director of FTI Consulting Strategic Communication the leading global financial communication group. He previously worked as an industrial equities' analyst and institutional dealer with Porter Western (now Macquarie) and was later CEO of national group Australian Discount Stockbroking Limited.