Piqued by Governor Seyi Makinde's dissolution of Oyo State local governments, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of the Federation (AGF), Abubakar Malami, has written to condemn the action, declaring it as unconstitutional. Mr Makinde has, however, taken umbrage.

His spokesman, who is also Special Adviser on Strategy and Political Affairs, Babatunde Oduyoye, insisted that Mr Malami's intervention was sub judice because the case was still being litigated in the Court of Appeal.

The AGF has long been accused of doing the bidding of the All Progressives Congress (APC) more than watching over the laws of the federation. That he has waded into the Oyo case unfortunately opens him again to the allegation of partisanship.

Mr Makinde's LG dissolution, being an act by a Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governor, appears targeted at the APC which won the May 2018 local government election overwhelmingly.

The APC, which is now in the opposition in the state, had won all the 33 local governments of the state as well as the 35 local council development area (LCDA) and 610 wards in the state. It left nothing to the PDP.

Until former governor Abiola Ajimobi conducted the local government poll in 2018, that exercise had been in abeyance for about 11 years, almost certainly because of unending litigations.

In fact, Mr Ajimobi was in his seventh year in office before he could conduct the LG poll, an exercise that prompted the then opposition PDP to allege desperation and chicanery against him.

The LG dissolution case is in court. Did Mr Malami not know? If he knew and still went ahead to accuse Mr Makinde of acting unconstitutionally, would it also be unfair to accuse him of acting as an APC partisan? In any case, Mr Malami should be aware of the court cases surrounding the LG dissolution, and ought to have been more cautiously restrained in making his latest intervention, considering the legal knots he had become entangled in recent years, including his misspeak on Amotekun.

© Pakistan Press International, source Asianet-Pakistan