Alibaba Health Information Technology Limited dated February 14, 2018 and the circular of the Company dated March 13, 2018 in respect of the Renewed Services Agreement. The transactions under each of the Renewed Services Agreement and the Advertising Services Framework Agreement will continue on similar terms with the involvement of different connected counterparties, and the company or its relevant Subsidiary has entered into agreements with Alibaba Holding, as the holding company of such connected counterparties. On January 30, 2019, the company and its relevant Subsidiaries entered into the 2020 CCT Agreements, each of which has a term commencing from the effective Date and ending on March 31, 2020. Subject to the approval by the Independent Shareholders at the SGM, the 2020 Outsourced Services Framework Agreement will commence from the Effective Date and end on March 31, 2020, unless otherwise terminated in accordance with the terms thereunder. Parties in the agreement: Taobao Holding Limited (Taobao Holding) and Alibaba Health Information Technology Limited (Alibaba Health (Beijing)).