Ainos, Inc. announced the initiation of a clinical study for a new potential VELDONA®?-based drug for pet disease. The study is aimed at evaluating the clinical efficacy of low-dose oral interferons in treating feline chronic gingivostomatitis ("FCGS"), a serious and chronic painful oral disease characterized by inflammation or abnormal proliferation in the oral cavity. This marks another meaningful step in the Company' s strategy for expanding its product line into the global pet care market, which follows the Memorandum of Understanding Ainos signed last year with SIDSCO Biomedical Co.

Ltd. The clinical trials are expected to run for approximately ten months from May 24, 2024 to March 31, 2025. Current research suggests that FCGS results from multiple factors, including dental diseases, viral and bacterial pathogens, and environmental conditions, with a reported prevalence ranging between 0.7% and 12%. Despite the frequency of the disease, there are no safe long-term pharmaceutical treatments available to date.

Ainos' VELDONA®?, a low-dose oral interferon alpha ("IFNa") formulation, was initially approved by the Texas Department of Health in 1985 for treating feline leukemia in cats and canine parvovirus in dogs. The company has conducted 28 studies, in which VELDONA® demonstrated systemic effects across various animal species including mice, cats, dogs, ferrets, chickens, rats, guinea pigs, horses, calves/cows, and particularly, pigs. These studies highlight the therapeutic or preventive capabilities in VELDONA® through oral mucosa, alongside systemic and mucosal immunity modulation without serious side effects.