ADS-TEC Energy will be presenting two new optional product features for the ChargePost at the international trade fair for charging infrastructure and electromobility, Power2Drive Europe from June 19 to 21. These features offer customers valuable benefits including an enhanced customer experience, a reduction in energy costs, and an expansion of the ChargePost's applications. The new optional cable suspension and the wide cable arms give customers more installation flexibility when planning new buildings or in existing parking lots.

They also extend the reach to a broader range of vehicle types, with charging sockets for commercial vehicles and trucks. The cable suspension features LED lighting which ensures good illumination of the parking area for a pleasant and safe charging experience. ADS-TEC Energy is also introducing new, high performance charging cables that boost charging for 400-volt vehicles by increasing the power from 200 amps to up to 400 amps with a constant current of 375 amps.

The integrated battery, for example, allows the ultra-fast charging of electric cars in just a few minutes instead of hours, even on power-limited grid connections. The high charging power is simply drawn from the internal memory when required and starts being replenished during the charging process. This delivers ultra-fast charging anywhere ?

without any costly grid expansion ? for dozens of cars a day on each charging station. The built-in storage system also provides energy and other services that are becoming increasingly valuable to customers: Integration with locally generated solar power; The ability to avoid expensive peak loads; Trading energy on the grid as surpluses and shortages become more frequent; Generate advertising revenue through two optional 75 LED screens.

The installation of battery-buffered fast chargers is easy. Traditionally, to offer super-fast charging at high capacity, businesses would have to expand the power grid at these locations. This is expensive, requires a lot of space for transformer stations and switchgear, and takes months to obtain approvals.