Extraordinary shareholders' meeting: Amendments to articles of association approved

Trieste, 27 November 2012- Today, the extraordinary shareholders' meeting of Acegas-Aps SpA, under the chairmanship of Massimo Paniccia, approved amendments to articles 6 and 12 of the company's articles of association.

Specifically, the amendments to article 6 (paragraphs 6.1 and 6.2) concern - with reference both to the identification of parties that must hold the absolute majority of the company's share capital and the identification of parties to which the 5% limit on share capital ownership for statutory purposes does not apply - the replacement of the reference to subsidiary companies of local public entities with a reference to companies in which one or more local public entities, other public bodies or public authorities together hold the majority of the share capital, including indirectly, thereby making explicit that these companies are equivalent to local public entities.

With the amendment to article 12 (paragraphs 12.2 and 12.3-bis) it is provided that any amendment to article 2.1 of the articles of association that involves the transfer of the head office outside the Municipality of Trieste requires a vote in favour of at least 95% of the share capital.

The full text of the amended articles of association will be filed and made available to the public in the manner prescribed by law.

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