National Securities Market Commission
Seville, 8 January 2013
Re: Significant Events. Liquidity agreements
Dear Sirs,
In accordance with Article 82 of Law 24/1988 on the Securities market, and its subsequent provisions, Abengoa, S.A., hereby publishes the following relevant information:
Abengoa, S.A. signed a liquidity agreement with Banco Santander Investment Bolsa S.V on
8 January 2013 in order to promote the liquidity of transactions in Class A shares with ISIN code ES0105200416, listed for trading on the Madrid and Barcelona Stock Exchanges and traded via the Spanish Stock Exchange Interconnection System (SIBE), which replaces the previous existing agreement for this share class.
It should be noted that this agreement, as well as the liquidity agreement signed with the same firm in relation to Abengoa's Class B shares with ISIN code ES0105200002, which was reported via the significant event filed on 8 November 2012, comply with Circular 3/2007 of
19 December of the National Securities Market Commission on Liquidity Agreements and their acceptance as market practice.
Miguel Ángel Jiménez-Velasco Mazarío
General Secretary

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