STORY: :: Israeli police clash with Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank as they dismantle an illegal outpost

:: July 3, 2024

:: Oz Zion, Israel

The video showed police excavators destroying makeshift structures at the outpost. Settlers sat down across a small road to block access for the police, but officers dragged them out of the way, the video showed. There was no immediate comment from Israeli authorities about the operation, which took place at a place called Oz Zion.

Israel is under international pressure to curb settlement expansion in the West Bank, which Palestinians want as the core of a future independent state alongside Gaza.

The outpost, in a rural area, is illegal under Israeli and international law. Israeli police have in the past taken steps against some illegal settlement activity in the West Bank, but Palestinian groups say in many cases the police don't enforce the law, especially since the start of the war in Gaza.