The Canadian dollar strengthened against the greenback on
Friday, and the yield on benchmark government debt climbed.
The loonie was trading 0% higher at C$1.3528 to the
greenback, or 73.92 U.S. cents, after trading in a range of
1.3526 to 1.3549.
Canadian government 10-year bond yields rose 1.8
basis points to 3.548%. The yield on similar U.S. government
benchmark debt rose to 4.3003%.
U.S. April crude futures fell 27 cents to $80.99 a barrel
on Friday.
Canadian wholesale trade shrank by 0.1% in January.
Canadian housing starts in February rose more than expected to
253,500 units from a revised 223,200 units the previous month,
the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) said.
A survey of 12 economists polled by Reuters had forecast
February housing starts rising to 230,000 units.