Ethereum's liquid protocol: Lido DAO is a decentralized platform that provides staking services for Ethereum 2.0. DAO stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organization, which is an organization run by smart contracts and user input, rather than a single centralized entity.


The Lido DAO (LDO) token is the governance token for the platform. LDO holders have the right to vote on proposals related to the Lido protocol, such as changes to system settings and resource allocation. These tokens are distributed to users who actively participate in the protocol, for example by staking their tokens.

The main feature of Lido is that it allows users to stake their ethers (ETH) in Ethereum 2.0 without having to manage the staking process themselves. In return, users receive stETH, which are tokens that represent their staked ethers and the staking rewards they have earned.

Lido uses a decentralized staking model, where ethers are staked by multiple validation nodes at the same time, which increases security and decentralization. In addition to that, users can exchange their stETH at any time, which makes their ETH more liquid compared to traditional staking in Ethereum 2.0 where ethers are locked for a certain period of time.
