A global governance blockchain: Hedera Hashgraph is a distributed ledger platform (DLT) that uses a different consensus technology than traditional blockchains. It was developed by Leemon Baird and is managed by the Hedera Hashgraph Council, a decentralized organization composed of several global companies and institutions.


The native cryptocurrency of Hedera Hashgraph is HBAR. This token is used to make transactions, pay network fees and incentivize network nodes to participate in the consensus process.

Here are some features of Hedera Hashgraph:

  • Consensus technology: Hedera Hashgraph uses a technology called "hashgraph" rather than the traditional blockchain. Consensus is achieved through an algorithm called "gossip about gossip", which allows nodes to share information about transactions quickly and efficiently. This allows for fast consensus with low energy consumption.

  • Performance and scalability: Hedera Hashgraph is designed to offer high performance and scalability, with the ability to handle hundreds of thousands of transactions per second (tps). This scalability and speed allows Hedera to be used for applications requiring high throughput and low latency.

  • Security: The hashgraph technology offers resistance to Sybil and DDoS attacks through its Byzantine Fault Tolerant (aBFT) asynchronous consensus mechanism. This means that a hashgraph-based network can continue to function even if some nodes in the network are compromised.

  • Governance: Hedera Hashgraph is governed by the Hedera Hashgraph Council, which is composed of global companies and institutions. This council makes decisions related to network updates, code changes, and resource distribution.

  • Smart contracts and tokens: Hedera Hashgraph also supports smart contracts and token creation, allowing developers to create and deploy decentralized applications (dApps) and custom tokens on the platform.
