With Card Data Security such a key component to the continued success of today's merchants, it's vital for transaction processing systems to maintain strict security levels and keep current on the compliance requirements set by the Security Council that governs the Payments Industry. eProcessing Network, LLC (ePN), the leading independent payment gateway and software development company in the Electronic Payment Processing Industry, understands the necessity, and announced today that it has achieved Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS) 2.0 certification from the PCI Council for its payment application, ePNPlugIn for QuickBooks®, an application which allows merchants the ability to conduct real-time transaction processing directly within the QuickBooks suite of products. In addition, ePN received 2.0 certification for ePNJPOS, a Point of Sale terminal application that allows merchants to accept payments from the consumer and process via ePN's Secure Payment Gateway.

eProcessing Network has successfully met all of the comprehensive requirements for 2.0 as detailed in the PA-DSS specifications and enforced by card associations. The latest version of PA-DSS reflects the growing maturity of standards as a strong framework for protecting cardholder data and will help merchants manage evolving risks and threats and improve overall flexibility with data. As a result of this certification, the PCI Council has listed both applications on its Validated Payment Application List within the PCI SSC website (www.pcisecuritystandards.org).

"ePN is committed to aligning our secure payment systems with the current standards set forth by the PCI Security Council," says Steve Sotis, President of eProcessing Network. "Our focus of providing secure solutions is driven by our commitment to our resellers and their merchants who trust us with their sensitive payment card information."

"A breach of security can ruin the Small to Mid-Sized Merchant," adds Bruce Shirey, SVP of Product Development. "ePN works diligently to ensure that the software through which the merchant transacts is held to the highest security standards, minimizing their risk and allowing them to focus on meeting the needs of the customer."

About eProcessing Network, LLC

eProcessing Network (ePN) is a software development company specializing in secure, real-time transaction processing services, solutions and support for all small to mid-sized merchants. Headquartered in Houston, Texas, ePN is certified to process a comprehensive suite of electronic payment transactions through all major credit & debit card, check/ACH and gift card/loyalty processors, and sells its services and products exclusively through Resellers and ISO sales channels. eProcessing Network is a registered Visa USA® and MasterCard® Third-Party Service Provider and is compliant with PCI and PA-DSS Data Security Standards. For more information, visit www.eProcessingNetwork.com.

eProcessing Network, LLC
Bruce R. Shirey, 818-292-2088