The candidates will make their presentations in the order in which their candidatures were received.

Each candidate will be invited to make a brief presentation lasting no more than 15 minutes. This will be followed by a question-and-answer period of no more than one hour and fifteen minutes.  During the last five minutes of the question-and-answer period, candidates will have the opportunity to make a concluding statement if they so wish.

After their presentations at the General Council, each candidate will hold a press conference at the WTO. These press conferences will be webcast live on the WTO website.

The schedule of the press conferences is:

29 January

12.45 - Mr Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen (Ghana)

16.30 - Ms Anabel González (Costa Rica)

18.00 - Ms Mari Elka Pangestu (Indonesia)

30 January

11.30 - Mr Tim Groser (New Zealand)

13.00 - Ms Amina C. Mohamed (Kenya)

16.30 - Mr Ahmad Thougan Hindawi (Jordan)

18.00 - Mr Herminio Blanco (Mexico)

31 January

11.30 - Mr Taeho Bark (Republic of Korea)

13.00 - Mr Roberto Carvalho de Azevêdo (Brazil)

The nine candidates above were nominated by their respective governments to succeed the current Director-General, Pascal Lamy, whose term of office expires on 31 August 2013.

The selection process will conclude with a decision by the General Council no later than 31 May 2013.

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