The following are median forecasts for this week's remaining U.S. data from a survey compiled by The Wall Street Journal.

DATE      TIME  RELEASE                       PERIOD     CONSENSUS    PREVIOUS 
Tuesday   1000  Job Openings                   May        7.9M   (16)  8.1M 
                  & Labor Turnover 
Wednesday 0815  ADP Jobs                       Jun       +160K   (12) +152K 
          0830  Jobless Claims                 Jun 29     233K   (18)  233K 
          0830  U.S. Trade Deficit             May       $76.3B  (24) $74.56B 
          0945  S&P Global U.S. Svcs PMI       Jun        55.1   (8)   55.1* 
          1000  ISM Non-Mfg PMI                Jun        52.8   (26)  53.8 
          1000  Factory Orders                 May       +0.3%   (17) +0.7% 
Friday    0830  Nonfarm Payrolls               Jun       +200K   (27) +272K 
          0830  Unemployment Rate              Jun        4.0%   (27)  4.0% 
          0830  Avg. Hourly Wages M/M**        Jun       +0.3%   (26) +0.4% 
          0830  Avg. Hourly Wages Y/Y**        Jun       +3.9%   (13) +4.08% 
*June prelim reading 
**All private-sector workers 
(Figures in parentheses refer to number of economists surveyed.) 
Write to Donna Huneke at 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

07-01-24 1414ET