WASHINGTON, Feb 10 (Reuters) - The United States announced its intent to fund programs to protect Brazil's Amazon rainforest in a joint statement signed by both nations on Friday, following a summit between Brazil's president and his U.S. counterpart.

The summit marked the first Washington meeting between Joe Biden and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva since the Brazilian president's election victory late last year.

The two leaders discussed areas of cooperation such as fighting deforestation, bolstering clean energy, and promoting low carbon agriculture practices, the statement said.

"As part of these efforts, the United States announced its intent to work with Congress to provide funds for programs to protect and conserve the Brazilian Amazon, including initial support for the Amazon Fund," it said.

The Amazon Fund was started by Germany and Norway to back protection of the rainforest and sustainable development projects.

Earlier on Friday, Lula said he expected the United States to join a multilateral fund aimed at fighting deforestation in the Amazon, after talking with Biden about the need for rich nations to support countries conserving their rainforests.

The United States plans to make an initial donation of $50 million to the fund, a Brazilian diplomatic source told Reuters on Friday. (Reporting by Maria Carolina Marcello and Lisandra Paraguassu; Writing by Carolina Pulice; Editing by Brad Haynes and Rosalba O'Brien)