The community is invited to come view the art of preschoolers at Melrose Day Care Center and Preschool while it’s on display at First Congregational Church in Melrose. The event is timed with National School Choice Week 2017 – the nation’s largest-ever celebration of educational opportunity.

The art show begins at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, January 25 at First Congregational Church located at 121 West Foster Street in Melrose.

The goal of the event is to celebrate great education choices in Massachusetts and raise awareness among parents about school choice. The celebration is timed to coincide with National School Choice Week (January 22-28, 2017), which will feature more than 21,000 events across the country.

Held every January, National School Choice Week is an independent public awareness effort designed to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options for every child. Through more than 21,000 independently planned events across the country, National School Choice Week raises public awareness of all types of educational choices available to children. These options include traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, and homeschooling. You can learn more by visiting