Clearpoint Agency, Inc., a public relations and marketing communications firm based in the San Diego area, is accepting nominations of non-profit organizations in need of pro-bono PR and marcom services in 2014. The PR firm will choose one non-profit based on mission and need. Clearpoint will accept nominations from local, regional or national 501(c)(3) organizations. The firm will select three entries to be reviewed by a panel of judges including clients and partners of the firm. To submit, please visit Clearpoint Agency's website and complete a brief online form by Feb. 14, 2014. The winner will be notified by telephone, and announced on Feb. 28, 2014 via Clearpoint's blog and Facebook page. Services rendered will be based on the non-profit's needs and may include, but are not limited to, message development, press releases, blog writing, website content, social media, and media relations.

Clearpoint has extensive experience working with business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C) and non-profit clients. The firm specializes in PR and marketing communications and manages strategic campaigns in both traditional and new media, offering specialized services such as survey management, media buying, infographics, and web development projects that increase brand recognition, build credibility and drive customer loyalty. Clearpoint's unique step-by-step process, Clear Course, is designed to help clients create and present their key value statements to target audiences.

Clearpoint continues to support its long term clients CUSO Financial Services, Zodiac Pool Systems and SynteractHCR, among others. Its portfolio of current and past clients includes clients in the financial sector, pharma and bio, technology and manufacturing, clean tech, food tech and non-profits.

"We have a long history of supporting non-profits, and giving back to the community is of a great importance to our team," said Bonnie Shaw, president of Clearpoint Agency. "Our selection of one organization to support for a year enables us to provide a complete program that will drive successful results while making a great use of our resources. We are also very thankful for our clients' support and assistance in the final selection of a non-profit."

For any questions or more information on our services, contact Antonia Genov, Clearpoint Agency account executive, at or visit our website at

About Clearpoint Agency, Inc.

For more than a decade, Clearpoint Agency has developed winning PR and marketing communications programs for B2B and B2C clients in technology, consumer products, financial and professional services, manufacturing and biotech industries. From strategy and content development to media relations and social media, the experts at Clearpoint have the experience to generate buzz for your brand and creatively communicate your message to target audiences.

Contact: 760.230.2424. Twitter: @ClearpointPR Facebook: ClearpointPRAgency LinkedIn: Blog: .

Clearpoint Agency, Inc.
Antonia Genov, 760.230.2424