DailyFX.com -
  • Biggest 1 week selling by AUD speculators since 2013
  • Record ownership profile in MXN
  • Record open interest in silver

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The COT Index is the difference between net speculative positioning and net commercial positioning measured. A blue colored bar indicates that the difference in positioning is the greatest it has been in 52 weeks (bullish) with speculators selling and commercials buying. A red colored bar indicates that the difference in positioning is the greatest it has been in 52 weeks (bearish) with speculators buying and commercials selling. Non-commercials tend to be on the wrong side at the turn and commercials the correct side. Use of the index is covered closely in detail in my book.

Latest CFTC Release dated September 20, 2016

Week (Data for Tuesdays)

52 week Percentile

US Dollar




British Pound


Australian Dollar


Japanese Yen


Canadian Dollar


Swiss Franc


Mexican Peso










Charts (all charts are continuous contract)

Non Commercials (speculators) – Red

Commercials – Blue

Small Speculators – Black

COTDiff (COT Index) – Black

US Dollar ICEUS Continuous Contract

COT-Most Selling by AUD Speculators Since 2013

Chart prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT

Euro CME Continuous Contract

COT-Most Selling by AUD Speculators Since 2013

Chart prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT

British Pound CME Continuous Contract

COT-Most Selling by AUD Speculators Since 2013

Chart prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT

Australian DollarCME Continuous Contract

COT-Most Selling by AUD Speculators Since 2013

Chart prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT

Australian DollarCME Continuous Contract

COT-Most Selling by AUD Speculators Since 2013

Chart prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT

The red line below price is the 1 week change in speculative and commercial positioning (net speculative change – net commercial change). An extremely low value indicates heavy speculative selling and heavy commercial buying. This condition warns of downside capitulation in price and therefore a price low. The blue dots indicate weeks when the change in positions was as extreme as now.

Japanese YenCME Continuous Contract

COT-Most Selling by AUD Speculators Since 2013

Chart prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT

Canadian DollarCME Continuous Contract

COT-Most Selling by AUD Speculators Since 2013

Chart prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT

Swiss Franc CME Continuous Contract

COT-Most Selling by AUD Speculators Since 2013

Chart prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT

Mexican Peso CME Continuous Contract

COT-Most Selling by AUD Speculators Since 2013

Chart prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT

Gold COMEX Continuous Contract

COT-Most Selling by AUD Speculators Since 2013

Chart prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT

Silver COMEX Continuous Contract

COT-Most Selling by AUD Speculators Since 2013

Chart prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT

Copper COMEX Continuous Contract

COT-Most Selling by AUD Speculators Since 2013

Chart prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT

Crude Oil NYMEX Continuous Contract

COT-Most Selling by AUD Speculators Since 2013

Chart prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT

--- Written by Jamie Saettele, CMT, Senior Technical Strategist for DailyFX.com

To contact Jamie e-mail jsaettele@dailyfx.com. Follow me on Twitter for real time updates @JamieSaettele

Jamie is the author of Sentiment in the Forex Market and co-founder of SB Trade Desk.

original source