Commodities :  The Recent Metals Action Is “Causing” Me To Change My Life

Commodities : The Recent Metals Action Is “Causing” Me To Change My Life

I have made a ground-breaking discovery this past week. It is so earth shattering, that it will literally change the course of my life, and may cause you to change yours as well. Let me explain.
Our Logo September 11, 2017 at 05:36 am
Commodities :  Are Goldminers Over-Hyped?

Commodities : Are Goldminers Over-Hyped?

Goldminers are on the move thanks mostly to geopolitical concerns and U.S. dollar weakness. However the underlying fundamental conditions are not yet favourable enough to make us believers in this...
Our Logo September 08, 2017 at 05:36 pm
Commodities :  Preliminary Bout Done, Main Event Soon To Come In The Metals

Commodities : Preliminary Bout Done, Main Event Soon To Come In The Metals

While the metals refused to offer much in the way of a pullback last week, they sure did provide us some nice sideways consolidations. In fact, they held support almost to the penny, and then...
Our Logo September 08, 2017 at 03:41 am
Commodities :  Taking A Look At The Neglected Oilers

Commodities : Taking A Look At The Neglected Oilers

Crude Oil WTI Futures, which closed the week at 47.29, failed to achieve our break-out level of 47.73, but close enough for us to believe that next week may be the one to do it. By that we mean oil...
Our Logo September 03, 2017 at 04:56 am
Commodities :  Are The Metals About To Go Parabolic?

Commodities : Are The Metals About To Go Parabolic?

With the metals providing us with the pullback we were expecting in our report last weekend , they continued to push higher from that pullback. Moreover, the structure continues to look quite...
Our Logo August 25, 2017 at 06:40 am
Commodities :  Does Your Neck Hurt Yet From The Metals Action?

Commodities : Does Your Neck Hurt Yet From The Metals Action?

Reading most metals analysis in 2017 has been like watching a tennis match with the analysis going back and forth over the net between bullishness and bearishness. As the market reaches its highs,...
Our Logo August 17, 2017 at 07:44 pm
Commodities :  How Hot Can Nat Gas Get?

Commodities : How Hot Can Nat Gas Get?

The lower-than-expected build in natural gas inventories in the Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report released yesterday goosed the price of the nat gas futures....
Our Logo August 14, 2017 at 06:05 pm
Commodities :  Don't Get Lulled to Sleep by Metals

Commodities : Don't Get Lulled to Sleep by Metals

As I read posts across the internet, I see utter disgust with the metals complex. It seems this sideways action in 2017 has worn investors out. I have seen many cash in their chips in utter disgust...
Our Logo August 11, 2017 at 03:23 am
Commodities:  Gold Price Lacking Fundamental Drivers

Commodities: Gold Price Lacking Fundamental Drivers

With gold advancing to a 6-week high, we consider briefly the current fundamental drivers behind precious metals, and therefore the probability of this becoming a sustained move.
Our Logo August 04, 2017 at 04:23 am
Commodities:  Metals Break Out Now Or In A Few Weeks?

Commodities: Metals Break Out Now Or In A Few Weeks?

This past week, the GDX has finally taken out its resistance at 22.65, and provided us with some semblance of an impulsive structure off the recent lows. However, the micro structure it is not the...
Our Logo August 02, 2017 at 05:02 am


In a bid to raise awareness of future technology, Toyota is excited to announce that it has secured three fuel cell vehicles to use exclusively in Australia for the next three years. The fuel cell...
July 10, 2016 at 05:43 pm
Toyota Motor Australia :  PASSES ON TAX SAVINGS

Toyota Motor Australia : PASSES ON TAX SAVINGS

Thousands of Toyota customers stand to benefit from lower new-vehicle prices as the carmaker has passed on the full benefits of a higher Luxury Car Tax threshold. Toyota's recommended retail prices...
July 03, 2016 at 07:10 pm
Daily price chart °4948

BRENT CRUDE OIL SPOT : Bearish scenario prefered

Many elements put forward a general slowdown in global demand for oil. Recent macroeconomic data in China are going in this direction, and the demand for black gold in the country should be gradually...
Our Logo June 17, 2013 at 11:04 am
Daily price chart °2355639

WTI : Price neutrality

The situation regarding the U.S. WTI barrel of crude oil has remained blocked for several weeks, as investors keep waiting and stay undecided faced with contradictory characteristics. The crude oil is...
Our Logo June 04, 2013 at 10:34 am
Daily price chart °16221

SILVER : Beware of perturbations

Silver, has recorded a sharp decrease of nearly 20% in two weeks, following the recent collapse of raw materials. Like gold, it seems to gradually lose its attractiveness to investors which prefer...
Our Logo April 26, 2013 at 12:05 pm
Daily price chart °4947

GOLD : Collapse in gold prices

Prices of gold has dropped in few sessions at its lowest level since the beginning of the summer of 2011 and continues to collapse at the start of this week in the image of all raw materials,...
Our Logo April 15, 2013 at 12:22 pm
Daily price chart °4948

BRENT CRUDE OIL SPOT : New tensions on the "black gold"

Recent macroeconomic publications from the United States are not in favor of the Brent, quite the contrary. Indeed, the activity data are, for the majority, worse than expected. Environment is the...
Our Logo April 15, 2013 at 11:47 am
Daily price chart °4947

GOLD : The USD 1530 support as key support

Gold fell at USD 1540, the lowest in six months. Appetite for riskier assets and the renewed strength of the dollar, have heavily impacted the price of precious metals. Indeed, several major fund...
Our Logo April 05, 2013 at 11:09 am
Daily price chart °2355639

WTI : Renewed interest in the black gold

The U.S. WTI crude barrel is gradually approaching its highest level since September 2012 around 100 dollars, investors are betting especially on an acceleration of the economic activity in the United...
Our Logo April 02, 2013 at 09:51 am
Daily price chart °4948

BRENT CRUDE OIL SPOT : Neutral bias confirmed

The situation in Cyprus should foster an appreciation of Brent. This scenario should indeed lead to an appreciation of the dollar and mechanically a fall of the black gold. Recent figures in China...
Our Logo March 21, 2013 at 12:13 pm