Daily price chart °4948

BRENT CRUDE OIL SPOT : Impacted by the decline in economic statistics

The surge in prices resulting from the paralysis of Saudi production, hit in its heart by an attack of drones claimed by the insurgents, will have been only of short duration. Aramco’s teams quickly...
Our Logo October 02, 2019 at 10:40 am
Daily price chart °2355639

WTI : Sensitive to macroeconomic indicators

The rise of prices resulting from the paralysis of Saudi production, hit in its heart by an attack of drones claimed by the insurgents, was only of short duration. Aramco’s teams quickly returned to...
Our Logo October 02, 2019 at 10:37 am
Daily price chart °2355639

WTI : The immobility persists

Initiating a technical rebound since the beginning of the month, oil prices suddenly dropped on contact with relevant graphical elements, weighted by the reversal of Donald Trump’s position against...
Our Logo September 12, 2019 at 11:48 am
Daily price chart °4948

BRENT CRUDE OIL SPOT : Go back below 60 USD

Initiating a technical rebound since the beginning of the month, oil prices suddenly dropped on contact with relevant graphical elements, weighted by the reversal of Donald Trump’s position against...
Our Logo September 12, 2019 at 11:45 am
Daily price chart °4947

GOLD : Sensible consolidation

Lonce prices are now entering a phase of consolidation, a legitimate step following the bullish trend of gold metal, which has risen by 24% over a sliding year. Profit taking coincides with a...
Our Logo September 11, 2019 at 05:54 am
Fake-branded bars slip dirty gold into world markets

Fake-branded bars slip dirty gold into world markets

A forgery crisis is quietly roiling the world's gold industry....
August 28, 2019 at 01:25 am
Daily price chart °2355639

WTI : Neutralized by the persistence of economic concerns

The summer period will not benefit the oil markets. The latter are struggling to follow a clear path and remain widely divided between fears of trade conflicts settling and the intensification of...
Our Logo August 22, 2019 at 03:22 am
Daily price chart °4948

BRENT CRUDE OIL SPOT : Oil: Tossed between Riyadh's efforts and the economic outlook

The summer period will not benefit the oil markets. The latter are struggling to follow a clear path and remain widely divided between fears of trade conflicts settling and the intensification of...
Our Logo August 20, 2019 at 09:45 am
Daily price chart °4947

GOLD : Gold: and in the end, it is gold that benefits

Gold prices continue to rise to new highs not seen since April 2013 and are now at the 1500 USD level. As such, the course achieved since the beginning of the year is remarkable, with gold...
Our Logo August 07, 2019 at 04:00 am
Oil-rich sovereign funds look to renewables alongside fossil fuels

Oil-rich sovereign funds look to renewables alongside fossil fuels

Sovereign wealth funds from oil-rich countries in the Middle East are moving to diversify into renewable energy, pushed by regulators and pledges on climate change, but are stopping short of following...
April 01, 2019 at 08:11 am
The US challenges OPEC for oil supremacy

The US challenges OPEC for oil supremacy

OPEC's policy of limiting production, including partners such as Russia, seems to be bearing fruit. If we only consider the evolution of crude oil prices since the beginning of the year, which have...
Our Logo March 13, 2019 at 11:54 am
Investment Analysis:  The journey of US light tight oil production towards a financially sustainable business

Investment Analysis: The journey of US light tight oil production towards a financially sustainable business

26 July 2018 The financing model underpinning the US shale oil industry is fundamentally different from that of large companies producing predominantly in conventional oil. Small and medium-size...
July 26, 2018 at 05:26 am
Commodity :  Copper price falls under overabundant reserves

Commodity : Copper price falls under overabundant reserves

The copper price reached its lowest level in a month while the Chinese reserves of the red metal accumulated in December, according to data of the London Metal Exchange . A ton of copper hit...
Our Logo January 23, 2018 at 11:21 am
Commodities :  Are Oil and Oiler Prices Correlated?

Commodities : Are Oil and Oiler Prices Correlated?

Two years ago, the U.S. Oil Fund , which tracks the price of $WTIC closed at $14.08. At yesterday’s close, USO was $11.46, a drop of -18.6%. I wanted to examine how my recent Oiler investments had...
Our Logo November 10, 2017 at 02:52 pm
Commodities :  A “Silver” Lining In The Metals Market

Commodities : A “Silver” Lining In The Metals Market

Last weekend , I tried to explain why it looked as though the metals market has been telling different stories in the various charts I follow. ...
Our Logo November 10, 2017 at 02:59 am
Commodities :  We Have A Bifurcated Metals Market

Commodities : We Have A Bifurcated Metals Market

There is no doubt that the action we have experienced in the metals complex in 2017 has been exceptionally frustrating, especially as the market presented us with several break out set ups that did...
Our Logo November 03, 2017 at 04:52 am
Commodities :  Should We Buy Forest Products Stocks Today?

Commodities : Should We Buy Forest Products Stocks Today?

With lumber prices soaring, investors might be looking at portfolio opportunities among the producers of wood and lumber. Given that Lumber futures are now up about +86% to about $428 from the...
Our Logo October 20, 2017 at 02:45 pm
Commodities :  Gold Is In A Dangerous Spot

Commodities : Gold Is In A Dangerous Spot

Of late, I have seen many articles postulating what moves gold up or down. We have heard all the old reasons being put forth from GDP, to a hedge against market volatility to interest rates, to the US...
Our Logo October 18, 2017 at 04:15 am
Commodities :  Taking a Shine to Copper and Copper Miners

Commodities : Taking a Shine to Copper and Copper Miners

Many people are surprised at the size of the Copper industry. Of all the metals, including precious metals, only the iron ore and aluminum industries are bigger.
Our Logo September 29, 2017 at 02:20 pm
Commodities :  The Recent Metals Action Is “Causing” Me To Change My Life

Commodities : The Recent Metals Action Is “Causing” Me To Change My Life

I have made a ground-breaking discovery this past week. It is so earth shattering, that it will literally change the course of my life, and may cause you to change yours as well. Let me explain.
Our Logo September 11, 2017 at 05:36 am