Zyber Holdings Limited provides the update in relation to the ongoing POC trial with REDtrac. As previously reported, REDtrac has been evaluating the Zyber on premise file sharing solution. Zyber had commenced installation and field testing with REDtrac with the POC designed to use Zyber's product to enable secure sharing of sensitive files with contracted field crews via their mobile devices. REDtrac has been working with Zyber and has been providing periodic feedback to development team to fix bugs and to make the desktop user interface more intuitive. Additionally, REDtrac asked if the Zyber platform could be modified to help with the automated data collection of the CSV files generated by each water well used to generate billing. Zyber considered this request did not deviate too far from the core functionality of the Zyber file sharing platform however would require some additional specialized software development. Given the development costs, Zyber requested from REDtrac for a more formal proposal with a detailed scope. Unfortunately, a mutual arrangement regarding scope and related costs could not be reached and REDtrac declined to proceed further. Consequently, REDtrac will no longer be reimbursing Zyber for hardware costs and returning the hardware to Zyber. This concludes the Zyber relationship with REDtrac.