Zuora, Inc. has announced that its customer, eMoney Advisor, successfully transitioned to a subscription business model. With the robust and extensible Zuora Billing platform at the center of its transformation, eMoney was able to speed up the order-to-revenue process by 93% in six months. Six months after deployment, eMoney saw vast improvements with the Zuora platform at the center of its business model transformation. eMoney slashed the time to take a quote from order signature to payment from 500 hours to 34 hours – a 93% improvement. The flexibility of the Zuora platform enables eMoney to constantly adjust internal processes, continuously improve efficiencies. eMoney’s use of the Zuora platform helped the company achieve the following business goals: More productive sales teams - members of eMoney’s sales team who have embraced the new subscription model are more productive and profitable. Zuora helped reduce the time required to process a quote from signature to payment by 93%; Extensible self-service platform - eMoney has created a self-service framework for its customers to view contracts and update payments online. From order to revenue, the Zuora platform manages all financial processes, working seamlessly with Salesforce and DocuSign to provide an end-to-end experience for eMoney’s customers. eMoney’s sales, billing, contracts, legal and client services teams were all trained to use the new Zuora workflow; and Efficient financial processes - The flexibility of the Zuora platform helps enable eMoney to constantly adjust internal processes and continuously improve efficiencies. eMoney is now automating bill runs and iterating pricing strategies with tiered and volume pricing.