The Company has engaged Western Geophysics Pty Ltd. in WA to collect more available geophysics data and carry out the desktop research for the prospective area now. Follow up airborne (drone) surveying is being planned next for Third Quarter 2022 to target the lithium `sweet spot' lying 500 to 3,000m outboard of the parent granitoid. Manganiferous Gossans: Previous work has located the widespread occurrence of manganiferous ironstone clasts within transported sheetwash on the tenement. Field mapping during the Quarter located several outcrops of manganiferous gossans developed adjacent to fault-bounded outcrops of dolomite within sedimentary units of the Bangemall Basin. Competent outcrops of dolomite typically form large, sheared lobes 0.5 to 2 kilometres in length within the Ti-Tree shear zone. Manganiferous nodules and manganese-cemented breccias (Figure 6) outcrop on their southern margins where erosion and transport downslope forms extensive pediments of transported manganite and quartz (Figure 7). Zeus considers these regions to have the potential to host a fault-bound manganese deposit. A total of 6 rock chip samples were taken to investigate the potential of these manganiferous gossans/breccias. These regions will be targeted for detailed mapping and airborne geophysical survey in the near future with a view to developing suitable drill targets. Base-Metal Targets: Significant historical exploration efforts have been undertaken throughout the region exploring for base metal mineralisation within the Bangemall Basin and its outlier, the Ti-Tree syncline. Low grade occurrences, gossans and anomalous outcrops of base metals (Pb-Zn-Cu) are widely reported throughout the region within the Ti-Tree Syncline. Gossanous material has been previously observed and sampled on Zeus' now defunct E09/1618 tenement and was also observed throughout the E09/2147 tenement along the margins of the metamorphosed sediments of the Bangemall Basin within the sheared Ti-Tree Syncline. A further two rock chip samples were taken from base-metal gossans observed during field work. Summary: Reconnaissance mapping and sampling conducted during Second Quarter 2022 has continued to build upon Zeus' exploration success. Exploration at the Pegmatite Creek Prospect has confirmed the intrusive nature of the Thirty-Three Supersuite granitoids and better defined the prospective Lithium target zone. Mapping indicates that the parent granitoid has generated a swarm of prospective pegmatites which have intruded the host rocks along the regional metamorphic fabric associated with the Ti-Tree Shear Zone. Post-intrusive shearing has partially deformed, boudinaged and recrystallised these pegmatites. The Lithium `sweet spot', lying 500 to 3,000m outboard of the parent granitoid, is largely blanketed by alluvial cover with follow up work aiming to better define the margins of the parent granite under cover and target this zone. Additional exploration work has located several prospective outcrops of manganese and ironstone
gossans and breccias developed along the shear/fault-bounded margins of outcropping dolomites within the tenement. Further airborne /drone-borne photogrammetry and geophysical surveying to define targets for follow up sampling and subsequent drilling.