CALGARY, ALBERTA - (June 3, 2013) Zedi is participating in the 15th biennial Saskatchewan Oil and Gas show on June 5th and 6th in Weyburn, Saskatchewan. Equipped with their new interactive demo trailer, Zedi plans to showcase their innovative and highly optimized field technologies including the Zedi SilverJack™. This new technology will be presented at the show to demonstrate how pump operations can be simplified for the province's emerging oil and liquid-rich gas wells.

The Zedi SilverJack has proven to be a cost-effective and operations-efficient alternative to traditional pump jacks, widely used in Alberta oil fields for the past four years. The hydraulic rod pump technology was designed with operations staff in mind, with a built-in controller that automatically collects the data through remote communications and provides it to production engineers online at any time.

At the push of a button, operators can adjust production with a few simple keystrokes, changing strokes per minute and stroke length while the unit remains pumping. The efficiency and reliability of the built-in controller combined with the remote Zedi Access web portal reduces the number of trips required to the site for the operator. Also, the unit eliminates production fluid leaks once thought common to hydraulic rod pumps with an internal stuffing box design that keeps fluid off the lease, saving operators hours of difficult labor shoveling out gravel to clean leakages.

"We're excited to take part in the Saskatchewan Oil and Gas show this year and demonstrate how Zedi's field technology solutions streamline well operations and assist in optimizing oil production", says Tammy Exner, Manager of Product Marketing for Zedi. "We're particularly excited to show how the Zedi SilverJack provides our customers with instant data, access to controls to make adjustments, and ultimately, lowers the risk of costly leaks with its unique internal stuffing box".

The Zedi interactive demo trailer and a live Zedi SilverJack demo will be located at outdoor booth #502. Visit or contact Zedi directly at 1.866.732.6967 for more information.

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