Zamil Steel Construction Company Receives Recognition for Performance Excellence

Zamil Steel Construction Company recently received recognition awards from Technicas Reunidas (TR), a Spanish-based general contractor that provides services related to the engineering, procurement, and construction of industrial and power generation plants, in salute of the company's outstanding contribution to have zero lost-time incidents for the year 2014.

The recognitions, part of TR's health, safety and environment annual awards, are an expression of the TR project management team's complete satisfaction with Zamil Steel's work and services as they relate to health, safety and environment issues at both the Petrokemya acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plant project and the Sadara Chemical Company Chem-III ethylene oxide derivatives (EODs), polyethylene oxide diacrylate (POD) and ethylene oxide shares system (EOSS) project, which is located in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia.

The excellent performance of Zamil Steel Construction Co. on these important projects will be added to the company's list of achievements and will undoubtedly attract additional prestigious contracts in the future.

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