F&A Aqua Holdings, Inc. reported consolidated earnings results for the nine months ended November 30, 2012. For the period, operating revenues were JPY 34,360 million compared to JPY 32,954 million a year ago. Operating income was JPY 2,837 million compared to JPY 2,114 million a year ago. Ordinary income was JPY 3,225 million compared to JPY 2,312 million a year ago. Net income was JPY 1,464 million or JPY 53.40 per share compared to JPY 1,100 million or JPY 39.75 per share a year ago. Net income before income taxes was JPY 2,773.8 million compared to JPY 2,147.7 million a year ago.

The company forecasted year end dividend of JPY 11.50 per share, of which ordinary dividend was JPY 10.50 per share and special dividend of JPY 1.00 per share. This accounts to a annual dividend of JPY 22.00 per share increased from JPY 21.00 per share paid a year ago.

For the year ending February 28, 2013, the company forecasted net sales of JPY 48,000 million, operating income of JPY 4,200 million, ordinary income of JPY 4,700 million and net income of JPY 2,500 million or JPY 91.15 per share.