Patriot One Technologies Inc. announce it has entered into a binding operating agreement in respect of the creation of a new Joint Venture ("JV") to commercialize a technology for the stand-off detection of explosives and other threats such as chemical and biological agents as well as illicit narcotics, which has been branded as PATSCAN MCS (multi-chemical sensor). The JV is between Patriot One and Nano-Bio Detection Systems LLC ("Nano-Bio"), a Wyoming company that holds licensed technology from the University of Texas used for the detection of airborne molecules. Applications of the Nano-Bio technology are proposed to include remote detection of explosive compounds and related substances vital to threat detection. As its initial contribution for a 50% interest in the JV, Nano- Bio has granted the JV a license to develop and commercialize the technology for applications relating to defense, security, prohibited substance detection and law enforcement. Highlights of this innovative technology include: Ability to function covertly in non-invasive deployments and sample at distance employing IoT enabled hardware. Operation as a stand-alone solution or integrated with related threat detection systems. Stand-off mass casualty threat detection capability for both military and civilian; Designed to detect airborne trace chemicals with a parts-per-trillion sensitivity, enabling the identification of explosives, chemical warfare agents, volatile organics, nerve agents and narcotics; Features a robust, scalable sensor array amenable to mass-production; Multiple pending patents, with additional patent submissions anticipated within 12 months; The joint venture will engage Craig Micklich, founding CEO of Nano-Bio, to act as the CEO of the JV entity called Sotech Secure, LLC ("Sotech") and lead its product development team. The JV will also engage Dr. Shalini Prasad of the University of Texas as a strategic and technical advisor. Dr. Prasad is currently the Director of the Biomedical Microdevices and Nanotechnology Laboratory and a Professor in the Department of Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering graduate program at the University of Texas at Dallas since 2011. She also holds an adjunct appointment in the department of Physics at Portland State University.