Peninsula Mines Limited announced the appointment of Lawrence Jonathon ("Jon") Dugdale as Managing Director of the Company. Jon joined the Company as CEO in August 2016 and, in conjunction with Executive Director Danny Noonan, has overseen excellent progress on the Company's exploration projects. Jon, in conjunction with Director Martin Pyle has also helped secure critical funding to advanced Peninsula's projects. His subsequent 10 years of corporate experience as a resources investment Fund Manager and then CEO/MD with exploration companies has provided Jon with strong analytical, corporate and investor relations skills, whilst maintaining close involvement with advanced project geology/exploration and development/feasibility study work. The Company also announced that Martin Pyle has reverted to the position of Non-Executive Director. Martin took on the role of Executive Director in March 2015 to guide the Company's re-capitalisation and project renewal. Martin will continue to work closely with Jon and Danny to ensure that Peninsula delivers its strategic objectives.