Xiao-I Corporation announced the launch of its new product -Hearview, which is "AI empowered glasses for deaf people." This innovative product aims to break down communication barriers and enhance the daily lives of the deaf community, allowing them to "see the sounds of the world." Hearview is part of Xiao-I's broader product series tailored for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community. This series includes two products lines to assist the deaf community with both listening and speaking. The glasses are the first product in the listening product line that focuses on enabling the deaf to "hear" the world.

The speaking product line focuses on enabling the world to "hear" the deaf. Integrating multiple advanced AI technologies to provide a comprehensive solution for the deaf community, Hearview offers face-to-face communication by converting spoken words into text displayed on the lenses, ensuring clarity and ease in conversations. In addition, Hearview enhances entertainment experiences by transforming audio from live broadcasts and entertainment programs into text.

To ensure user safety, the glasses are equipped with an environmental sound analysis system that alerts users to potential dangers through visual warnings. Hearview empowers the deaf community by converting speech into text, enabling full participation in conversations, and entertainment.