Xerox unveiled a new ad – led by a contemporary twist on a beloved commercial – to usher in its next chapter as an $11 billion leader in digital print technology. The commercial describes Xerox’s focused direction to innovate the way organizations of all sizes communicate, connect and work. Much has changed since Xerox’s “Brother Dominic” debuted 40 years ago in one of the most famous Super Bowl advertisements of all time. But the world’s need to share information has endured. Back then, Brother Dominic turned to the Xerox copier to simply duplicate his manuscripts. But he translates, personalizes and securely shares his creation both physically and digitally across all devices, all over the globe. Roll-out of the Brother Dominic advertisement includes 30- and 60-second television commercials and digital spots beginning in the U.S. The ads were created by Y&R NY and director James Rouse, and were inspired by the work of Allen Kay, creative director at Needham who created the original Brother Dominic commercial.