White Cliff Minerals Limited announced that it has appointed Mr. Jack Gardner as Non- executive Chairman effective 26 October 2018. Mr. Gardner has held directorships and senior management positions with Hawker Siddeley Engineering Pty Ltd, Comsteel Vickers/ANI, Minproc Engineers Pty Ltd. and Broken Hill Metals NL between 1970 and 1990. From 1993-2006 he acted at Chief Engineer for Canadian Company Guinor Gold Corporation. He acted as Executive Chairman of Ghana Manganese Company (2000-2005), rebuilding it into a major manganese carbonate producer. In 2010 he was the inaugural Chair of Viking Mines Limited until retiring in 2017. During that chairmanship he supervised the expansion of the Akoase resource to 780,000 Oz gold and the subsequent sale of that Asset. A founder non-executive director of Mincor from 1996 until he retired in 2017, he served through the company's transition from a West African gold explorer in to its development as a substantial nickel sulfide miner and gold miner in the Kambalda region of WA. As part of the Board re-structure the company's Michael Langoulant will step down as Chairman but remain as an executive director.