Westell Technologies, Inc. announced that its board of directors has appointed Kirk R. Brannock as interim president and chief executive officer. The company also announced that Dennis O. Harris, a director of the company since January 2010, has been appointed interim chairman of the board. Mr. Harris and Thomas P. Minichiello, Westell's Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Secretary, will help execute interim executive leadership duties until Mr. Brannock joins the company on October 17, 2016.

Mr. Brannock succeeds J. Thomas Gruenwald, whose last day with the company was September 26, 2016. The board plans to initiate a search for a permanent CEO, likely retaining an executive search firm, with such search expected to be completed within the next six months. Mr. Brannock, served as a member of Westell's Board of Directors from February 2011 to September 2014.

He retired in 2010 from his position as Senior Vice President — Ethernet Deployment at AT&T.