Voyageur Minerals Ltd. announced that it has created its new radiological contrast pharmaceutical joint venture company. The company, named ImagingX Pharmaceuticals Inc. is owned by Voyageur and Chief Medical Supply Ltd. ("Chief") as to 50% each. Voyageur is responsible for providing USP barium sulfate to the joint venture. Voyageur has 100% ownership of two high grade barium sulfate deposits, allowing the joint venture to have the lowest cost barium sulfate in the current market place. Barium sulfate makes up approximately 98% of the cost of the ingredients in barium contrast suspension products. Owning the only pharmaceutical grade barite project outside of China will allow the joint venture to become a very competitive pharmaceutical contrast company in the market. ImagingX will be the only Canadian pharmaceutical barium producer since the closure of the Brookfield pharmaceutical barite mine in Nova Scotia. Until Voyageur is able to produce pharmaceutical grade barite from its own properties, the North American barium contrast market is 100% reliant upon imports of high end USP barite from China.