The PAN Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:PAN) made an offer to acquire unknown minority stake in Vietnam Fumigation Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VFG) on November 15, 2018. The PAN Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:PAN) made an offer to acquire 31% stake in Vietnam Fumigation Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VFG) for approximately VND 380 million on December 4, 2018. Under the transaction, The PAN Group Joint Stock Company acquires 9.8 million shares at VND 38,500 per share. Prior to the transaction, The PAN Group holds 20% stake in Vietnam Fumigation Joint Stock Company. Post completion, The PAN Group shall hold 51% stake in Vietnam Fumigation Joint Stock Company. Tender offer period starts from December 3, 2018 to January 3, 2019. Saigon Securities Incorporation (HOSE:SSI) acted as a transfer agent to Vietnam Fumigation Joint Stock Company.

The PAN Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:PAN) completed the acquisition of 21.9% stake in Vietnam Fumigation Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VFG) for approximately VND 270 billion on January 9, 2019. The PAN Group received acceptances in respect of 6.92 million shares of Vietnam Fumigation Joint Stock Company. Post completion, The PAN Group holds 41.9% stake in Vietnam Fumigation Joint Stock Company.